Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Vegan Product Review

Rice Whip and ZenSoy Pudding

Rice Whip!
I was pretty excited to see a non-soy vegan version of whipped cream in the can. How fabulous! I try not to overdo the amount of soy in my diet, so I try to buy other vegan milks when I can. Overall, it's a winner!

♥ Delicious, fluffy, and thick!
♥ Vegan and non-soy alternative!
♥ All natural and no gross stuff!

♥ It cost $5. meh. (I was obviously very excited about it to have spent so much on it!)
♥ You have to plan to eat it 10-15 mins before you actually do, so no random squirts of whipped cream when you open the fridge for something else. heh. You have to take it out and let it warm up for a bit, then shake the can so that the cream falls down toward the nozzle, then after your wait ... you finally do get fantastic whipped cream.

I've eaten this pudding for years. I actually think it tastes better than dairy pudding. It's all-natural and heavenly!