Monday, January 28, 2008

Vegetarian Tamales!

Yesterday, I devoted the afternoon and early evening to making tamale from scratch.
Tamales are not easy to make and they're a bit labor intensive, but they're soooo worth it!
Tray of Tamales
They came out pretty damn good. I have to say that I am proud.
Thanks to
The PPK's show on tamales, I was well-informed. ;)

First, I bought the ingredients:
MASECA brand masa harina (special corn flour that's been treated with lime)
* CRISCO (gross, I know, but you need to add some fat ... at least it's vegetable fat [it's actually vegan!])
Corn husks to wrap them (I bought them dry in a bag)
* Veggie broth (I buy boxed rather than make my own)
and filling ingredients:
* 4 ears corn
* 1 onion
* 1 bag shredded Mexican blend cheese
* 1 can chipotle peppers in Adobo

Then, I steamed the ears of corn for 10 mins and sautéed the onion until it was nice and brown.
Once it had cooled a bit, I cut the corn off the cob and cut up the chipotles.
WARNING: Chipotles are hot. I usually wear gloves to cut up hot peppers, but I forgot this time and my hands suffered badly.
They were in a lot of pain and it took about 5 good washes until they were better. =(

Then I made the dough by combining 4 cups of the masa harina, 1.25 cups of CRISCO,
and 4 cups of heated veggie broth by hand. (It's messy, but I enjoyed it. heh)

Then I boiled the dry corn husks until they were pliable.

Next, I put down a corn husk, put a bit of the dough on top, and then layered a chipotle,
some onions, some cheese and some corn. Then I put some more dough on top
to seal those ingredients in. Then you wrap up the husk. (The PPK show can show you this in detail.)

The results ... A messy kitchen, but a lovely stack of delicious tamales. Mmm Mmm good.
Messy KitchenSteamingFinal Product


Anonymous said...

These look soooooo good!!! I love the pics on your blog. They are great! I will have to put a link to you on my blog ;-) Thx for having mine on there...although I haven't updated the other 2 in quite awhile, alas. Do you have an RSS feed on here - so I can stay tuned to your vibes all the time?!?!?!?

sundaegirl108 said...

Those tamales were soooo yummy. They freeze well too. We reheated the frozen ones for the superbowl fun last night and they were still delicious! :)
I don't have an RSS feed. Not only do I not know how to do that, but I don't even know what that is... LOL